Vital Tones Narcissistic

by Vital Tones Ltd.


not available

Vital Tones Narcissistic is a powerful brainwave treatment for Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the person is obsessed with (spends a lot of time thinking about) themselves. They think they're better and more important than anyone else, and want to be treated as special. It is more common in men than women.
Vital Tones Narcissistic consist of 2 sessions. Both sessions are 22 minutes long.
Every session is customized and stimulates different parts of the brain.
All sessions are needed to have a complete treatment!
This free version is a limited trial version.
This application requires large headphones or high quality earphones with Left and Right placed correctly !
Enjoy your explorations.